Friday, April 6, 2007

Todays' Media

I must say that the article does have its fair share of controversies but I must say that the media has be unreliable to convey the truth. But if you ask me if the media CAN EVER be relied upon to convey the truth, I would say yes. It will once all the money-faced editors and news chairmans are exposed to the whole nation for their fradulent ways.

I really do think that the current media in the U.S are operating on the principles of the 3 Ps: Popularity, Prejudice and Profit. Profit of the three is the main driving force behind the press. I really do like the statement about how the media "markets" and "manufactures" news for profit. It would explain why people would want to edit so much of an interview. Controversy and talking points. These two are what editors look for to gain profit. Take off a few words here and there and cut of some boring parts of a interview, and it will be the talking point among people the next day.

Prejudice is something that is abundant in U.S.A. O.J Simpson is one such victim of this prejudice. When a celebrity black man kills his white wife and eventually is acquitted, the whole country becomes havoc. But switch the black man to a white man and it becomes an everyday piece of news. I could be wrong, but in my opinion, being prejudice would sell in the U.S. Take comedian Dave Chapelle and Russell Peters for instance. Two of my favourite comedians but both comedians have their comedy act based on being prejudice. Moreover, the face that they are very, very popular hints to the fact that it really sells in America. So, its not surprising for the media to slant in this direction.

In the American media, its almost as if anyone who has something to say that may potentially reveal things about the war, will be silenced. The press give people what they want to see and the people blindly have to follow it. They choose what they want people to see. This is what i find is extremely wrong. I mean, who are they to obstruct us from learning the truth. If you have an open media, I would suggest that they start living up to it. Show the casualties of war, the people who have died, and the atrocities committed instead of "happy" rides in tanks with U.S soldiers.

I remember a scene in Fahrenheit 9/11 where Micheal Moore, the director, asked congressmen outside the white house if they would send their children for the war in Iraq. Obviously, none of them answered and its clear what all their answers would have been. The war is wrong, they all know it but the media cannot showcase that stand. They have to stand by the war effort.

I would like to round of this entry with something local. Sure its controversial, but its sort of true. Remember how its always the PAP members mostly on the front papers of the Straits Times...Remember its always the PAP members going door to door shaking peoples' hands that is shown on the news...Remember how the slightest of bad acts by the opposition would instantly be splashed on the front pages...The opposition did lose fair and square but did the PAP receive a little push on the back by our media???

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